Wim Cycle Bicycles

Wim Cycle is a bicycle company that has dominated the local market and international market for more than three decades. Wim Cycle bike is a 100% original product.
bicycle exports in Indonesia for many years to more than twenty countries around the world. This proves that the quality is even Wim Cycle trusted by the international market. Multiple competitive products is one of Wim Cycle Sun-market advantage it can penetrate all segments in the. The purpose of Wim Cycle today is a family of Indonesia's number one bicycle. Achieving these objectives in Wim Cycle trying to turn the image in the community Formerly known as children's bicycles, a bike Which is favored by various groups from children to adults. Our tagline stretcher in this strategy is "Wim Cycle Bicycle Happy Family." So it looks Wim Cycle demand by a certain circle. Surrounding communities were keen to choose Wim Cycle. We will also perform positioning # # in which Wim Cycle create a new jingle that attracts attention and is easy to memorize to make images that are embedded in Indonesian society, so that when talking about the bike will come to mind is the bike Wim Cycle Society. Additionally, Wim Cycle wants to take advantage of the moment car free day Which is currently heavily promoted by the government of Indonesia as a distribution strategy to market the bike Wim Cycle. In the application of this strategy PaSdaH, we propose to Wim Cycle make the software easier for consumers to choose products according to their criteria Wim Cycle.

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